Music from the Heart
My music will not fall in one category or genre. I never try to write a particular style of song.
My songs are all birthed from times of creativity where I let things flow and see where they go.
I do not force a song to come out, I let it develop slowly over time. Then when it comes to a place of birth I write it down and record it.
I hope you enjoy the vast variety of music that I have created and that it speaks to your heart. Music will lift you up and encourage you to fulfill your destiny. You see you may not realize it but every person on this planet is special and unique and that includes you. You were created different that everyone else and what this world needs is for you to be YOU.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Rise Up and Shine!
Free Song (5029 downloads ) “Destiny is Calling”
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